RS Biokosmetik — The Amazing Blog — Amazing PR

RS Biokosmetik

Rosenserien - Sweden Eco for Men

Whilst the Swedish Eco Range recently launched, it has only just made the very welcome leap into the UK market place, ensuring these goodies are available to an even wider audience. This superb range of natural and organic skincare is there for us all to enjoy, with an exceptional line up for the boys. As many of you know we’re BIG fans of Rosenserien and have reviewed many of their products here. We first discovered his brand when they won an award with our client The Beauty Shortlist a while ago.

Sweden Eco is produced by RS Biokosmetik, who’ve spent over 35 years making natural and organic skincare products. With this particular range, they forged a collaboration with the well-known dancer and choreographer Tony Irving. Irving who was already a fan of their organic skincare and contacted RS Biokosmetik’s CEO Carina Swartz to ask if they’d like his input. All of this has culminated in Irving participating in the creation of the Swedish Eco Range with everything from function, fragrance, appearance and packaging; which as now resulted in these five fabulous grooming products. Like the Rosenserien range this brand is 100% natural and also includes certified organic ingredients.

Swedish Eco’s key ingredients are aloe vera and green tea which are known for being gentle, long-lasting and effective; whereas the fragrance is a predominantly light and fresh scent of sandalwood and cloves. They kindly sent us the full range of Shampoo for Hair & Body, Shaving Soap, Moisturiser, Deodorant and the most refreshing Skin Toner. They have cleverly covered our male grooming requirements comprehensively. Plus if you care about the environment as much as you do about your grooming regime, then this one is a must for you to try - you certainly won’t be disappointed. To top it all they are ecologically and vegan-friendly, as well as non-allergenic. These products are highly concentrated with the water content kept very low so the skin gets as much nutrition and moisturisation as possible. With this deliciously freshly clean fragrance, the moisturiser and the toner especially absorb effortlessly into the skin. Indeed each of the products have clearly been produced with skin compatibility at the forefront of requirements, and they most certainly deliver. The Shampoo for Hair & Body is priced at £19 for 200ml, the Moisturiser comes in at £27 for 50ml, the Deodorant £23 for 50ml, and the Aftershave Tonic £18 for 100ml; all products are available from here.