About us — Amazing PR

You Create, We Share

Thank you for visiting our page. This is about to be part of our new website in 2021 - which is currently being created. Please forgive the slight website glitches as we make our transition. Our independent blog is ever growing and was voted no 39 in Rebatezone's list of the Top 50 UK Beauty Blogs as well as no 21 in the Top 50 UK PR Blogs on the B2B PR Blogs. We are a boutique PR agency based in Chelsea, London specialising in beauty and well-being and this is our very special independent daily blog. To be honest, it still amazes us to think The Amazing Blog, which began 12 years ago, has now developed into cult reading. The Amazing Blog was invented by Edwina Wynyard who started it in 2009. There are over 4,500 posts for you to explore (see our Brand Directory ) where we hope to provide you with some interesting musings on all manner of subjects. Beauty products we rate, people and places we like, designer items we're lusting after and delicious things to eat.  In fact, you'll be able to gen up on almost anything here!. We hope to keep you informed and inspired…however it'll depend on how witty and clever we are feeling on any given day! We’d also like to add that during these challenging times of Covid19, we’re passionate about supporting SME beauty and well-being brands.


The reviews on our blog are based on our personal experience and opinion, but we do try to point out various aspects of the products that we feature to keep you well-informed. We generally do not receive money for these articles that we post on our blog. However, due to the recent popularity of our blog, we have been asked to publish 'sponsored posts'.  We are always happy to discuss these with brands but they must fit in with our ethos and will always be credited as a sponsored post so as not to confuse our readers.


All the content (text and images) on this blog, unless otherwise noted,  is copyrighted to (c)AmazingPR Limited. Please do not re-publish any of this blog's content without our prior consent. Also, please, do not hot-link to images on this blog without our prior permission. By invitation by us, we are always happy to share our posts with any of the featured brands on their website and social media platforms.