R&R Men's Shea Oil

R&R Luxury - Shea Oil Marrakech Nights & Liquid Black Soap

Let us at The Amazing Blog bow down to the wonders of shea butter, and its remarkable natural healing qualities, as developed by the R&R Luxury skincare company based in Ghana and bringing 100% natural African luxury to our skin in their formidable men’s range.

Developed by the founder Valerie Obaze in 2010 as her quest to bring a moisturiser that could be as gentle on a grown-up’s skin as well as that of a newborn baby, we have literally at our fingertips, the pure unadulterated natural benefits of shea butter which is the main constituent in both the face and body oil and their Liquid Black Soap.

The Face & Body Oil is tantalisingly called Marrakech Nights, and the main ingredient, of course, is shea oil which is particularly effective in the treatment of various skin conditions such as scarring, dry and/or ageing skin, as well as sunburn. Because it is so gentle of course, sensitive skin can also be soothed by this balm. Just a few drops are enough to be rubbed between the palms, and then applied directly to the skin when wet, or added to another body cream for an overall application.

R&R’s Liquid Black Soap contains the essential oil of lemongrass which gives it the most wonderfully fresh fragrance, and a burst of aromatherapeutic essence producing a highly effective and thorough cleansing gel. Again, with the benefits of the shea butter, this is particularly good for treating complaints like eczema, psoriasis and acne. Being 100% natural means we also don’t have to worry about parabens, artificial colours or mineral oils.

The unisex range is available from the website here. The Shea Oil - Marrakech Nights at 250ml at £17  and  Liquid Black Soap at 250ml at £12.50. The brand is actively seeking new distributors, so hopefully, availability will increase soon. With that and also the company’s success at 2018 Pure Beauty Awards, it can only be a matter of time before this range racks up yet even more success.