
PopKakery - Poptails

We here at The Amazing Blog  never need an excuse to indulge in a sweet treat or a generous glass of our favourite alcoholic beverage. With the news PopTails cake pops from PopKakery, we get the best of both worlds. These aren’t just ordinary cake pops – each of the four flavours is infused with different fruit flavours mixed with a complementary alcohol.  

Drinking your favourite cocktail alone is so last year; now, you can have your favourite drink in cake form! The four flavours are: Pina Colada (coconut and pineapple flavours mixed with rum), Cosmopolitan (berry flavours infused with vodka), Mojito (lime and mint flavours mixed with rum) and Tequila Sunrise (orange flavours infused with tequila). PopKakery said that these four flavours came out on top as the most-loved cocktails in a market research study among consumers, so you know they must be good.

Set out these exciting PopTails at your next party, but make sure you have some original PopKakes by their side for any of the attendees that are under 18. Since these products are so unique and innovative, we were excited to try them. My personal pick is the Mojito PopTail for a well-balanced treat that gives the perfect punch of lime, mint and rum.

Get your own set of PopTails on the PopKakery website here in a variety of quantities, depending on what you’re looking for.