NHS Choices

Keeping Your Skin Safe

Here at The Amazing Blog we love to review all sorts of products for your skin, whether it's lotions, oils, or cleansers - we love it all. But if there's one thing that we can agree on it's that keeping your skin safe is a priority above any moisturiser. Each year more than 10,400 cases of skin cancer are diagnosed, and with having the perfect bronze being more fashionable than ever, people are putting their skin in danger unnecessarily. So due to this prevalence and lack of awareness, NHS Choices and Talkheath present the Online Clinic on Skin Cancer and Sun Safety.

At the clinic experts and doctors will be on hand to answer questions and on all Talkhealth sites. Many skin cancers can be prevented simply by adopting a sensible skin care regime while enjoying the sun. Applying a good SPF of 30 or higher, wearing protective clothing and sunglasses are easy steps that protect you from the risk of skin cancer. If you're unsure about how you can keep yourself sun-safe then ask any of the experts on the Online Clinic.

You might think that in this British summer you don't need to worry about sun safety, but carrying protective gear and an SPF is always a good idea - after all your bag is probably big enough ladies! Whether it's in England or Abroad, your skin safety regime should always be a priority, the experts at Talkhealth are there ready to help you plan and create your own sun safety regime. People who are at a higher risk for skin cancer include fair-skinned people, people with green or blue eyes, people with a family history of cancer, or people who have more than 50 large moles. If you're concerned you may be at risk, always go to your doctor and get your skin checked.

Your skin is your largest and most precious organ so make sure you that you log on to the Online Clinic for the best ways to protect yourself this summer!