
Power Paws

As regular readers of The Amazing Blog will know we have the elderly and much loved Tibetan Spaniel Mojai as a regular member of staff. He recently turned 15 (that’s 105 in human years) and I’m very conscious that his mobility is lessening (due to arthritis) as his little back legs are sliding around on all shiny floor surfaces. Mojai doesn’t have a bad life, he eats better than I do (always organic chicken no less), has a larger array of food/joint supplements than I do (including my Vital Greens) and definitely has more cuddles and compliments than I ever do! So that’s why it’s only the best for my dear one – which is where I hit upon Power Paws.

What I love about these Power Paws socks is the fact that they are really easy to put on. As all dog owners will understand, I generally get the filthiest of looks and a torrent of verbal abuse if I ever fiddle with Mojai’s feet, and so I was most concerned that this was going to be a bit of a mission.  However, Power Paws went on quickly without too much fuss. As you will see from the photo they are gripping the floor as they have a rubberised paw shape where the pad is which helps to give traction. I like the stylish black socks  (click on the greyhound image to see the variety of colours) and they also come in blue, pink and even a festive Christmas themed pair!

The thing to remember is that these socks are elasticated so will need to be snug fitting and not oversized, as they will simply roll on the foot or slip off.  The correct fitting sock will stay on without slipping and will allow one finger's room into the cuff. Power Paws come in a choice of 8 sizes and in packs of 4.   For Mojai I went for a ‘small’ which is a snug fit – curiously I notice that he has smaller back paws than the front! I cannot recommend these highly enough for anyone who has an elderly dog, as they now mean that I can leave him alone in the kitchen without worrying that he will slip and not be able to get up when I’m not there. These socks are machine washable and in my view are a very reasonable £16.99 and they have certainly given ‘power’ back to Mojai’s paws.