Brows On Point

Andmetics Brow Wax Strips For Men

The Amazing Blog  can happily confirm (and do so with much relief) that those toe-curlingly awkward moments of the modern commute could be finally behind us all. What do we mean? Well, you know when you find yourself sitting/standing way too close to your fellow passengers; and get a dreadful pang of etiquette confusion, when you notice that said male passenger has had the misfortune to be sporting lopsided brows. Come on now, we all know we have done it - first you notice ‘something’ isn’t quite right, and then the dissection of the facial symmetry takes place and you start literally scanning the visage for the check points! 

What to do? Do you bravely confront the issue head on and risk a vicious rebuff, or do you sink lower into your copy of Simone de Beauvoir, and try (against the odds, it has to be said) to ignore the glaring issue literally staring you in the face … to face? Well, those clever boffins at Andmetics have come up with a most effective solution to this problem. We present to you The Andmetics Brow Wax Strips For Men whose actual wax is shaped for the perfectly matched result - indeed they have a whole range of areas that can be striped of the unwanted follicles, with helpful ‘How To’ guides here.

The focus here is the option for male brows - happily, the process couldn’t be simpler with Andmetics : cleanse the skin to ensure it is clear of any oils or cream; it must be dry for the procedure to work effectively, and then apply each shaped wax strip symmetrically. If that symmetry looks slightly off, gently peel the offending side in the direction of hair growth and reposition. Allow the wax to bond well with what needs to be removed - obviously taking care to avoid anything you want to remain (i.e. eyelashes please note), and then with you primed for the moment of disengagement, tighten the skin, and with a flat angle motion, take a breath, and strip the wax away quickly and cleanly. Should there be any residue left, Andmetics have also provided handy finishing wipes to sort that out and gently soothe the newly spruced area. It really is that simple!

Price wise we are looking at around 9.90€ for a box of 4 full brow treatments, from their online shop here or they can be found on Amazon. So…next time we are faced with misshapen brows, if you feel brave enough you can confidently offer a solution rather than an awkward observation to our fellow commuter!