Clear Coffee — Amazing PR

Clear Coffee

If you, like us at The Amazing Blog, need coffee to get through the day but you worry about the inevitable teeth staining, you need to know about the first colourless coffee drink in the world; Clear Coffee. It’s a great option for that much-needed caffeine kick we crave. Forget having your coffee black or white, venture out and give clear a go!

Don’t let appearances deceive you though. It certainly doesn’t taste like water. You get the reviving boost of a double espresso, alongside a refreshing taste. Clear Coffee is made from simple ingredients, including water, coffee beans and natural caffeine, and that’s all. There are not any preservative, added aromas, sugar or sweetener. The coffee beans are high quality, freshly roasted Arabica beans. The unique taste and aroma is the result of a coffee processing method that had never been used before. Owing to the lack of artificial sweeteners, the drink is unusually sour and tangy, but it’s a moreish taste that we’re intrigued by. Our favourite way to have it is ice cold straight from the fridge, or in a cheeky little cocktail.

In short, you get a natural, refreshing coffee drink with few calories that won’t stain your teeth!

If you fancy trying out this unusual drink, you can purchase them from their Amazon page for £8.49 for a pack of 2 here or £15.99 for 4 here.