Bags, bags, bags, us girls can never have too many, they fill our wardrobes to the brim so much so that when we open the door we are a human block to stop them falling to the floor. But we will keep adding to the collection. I have just recently started at Amazing PR and this is a rather exciting first blog entry for me as I have to admit, I used starting here as an excuse to buy a lovely new bag. Then, during my second day I came across this fabulous and unique soft leather bag and thought hmmm..i think this would be a perfect bag to add to my wardrobe for Winter. Detailed with large tribal straps showing a distinctive design, this bag can be carried either over the shoulder or by hand (which can be easier if like me, your bag is stupidly heavy because of the amount of unnecessary items weighing you down).


This DANAQA bag is handmade in Ethiopia by people using traditional designs, skills and materials (this bag uses amazingly soft sheep skin) to give us a beautiful handmade bag that cries out for a home in that already packed wardrobe! This bag retails at £190 so I am prepared to stick a few of my old bags on Ebay and invest in one of these beauties!