Nourish Kefir

Here at The Amazing Blog we love trying out new and exciting products. So when Nourish Kefir sent us some of their ‘miracle milk drink’ we couldn't wait to try it and start reaping the benefits.

Our first question, as I am sure is yours, was ‘what is Nourish Kefir?’ Nourish kefir is a milky/ yogurt type drink made from fermented milk that contains all types of amazing health benefits. When we tried the kefir, it had a slightly sour, yet creamy taste which was still refreshing. Kefir is full of natural positive bacteria that has many health benefits which develop during the fermentation process. I decided to try Nourish kefir after having depleted my immune system with a course of debilitating antibiotics used to treat a lingering chest infection.  Personally, I am not a cow's milk drinker so I used a sachet in a litre of goats’ milk, left it for a day to ferment and then returned to enjoy it. We all shared it as a plain drink (although its perfect for smoothies) however you can purchase flavoured kefir, or even flavour your own batch. It may seem strange and unusual but the extensive health benefits mean that kefir is worth getting to grips with. It boosts the immune system, offers 20% of the recommended days calcium,  is full of B vitamins and is 100% organic and sugar free. So, whether you’re big on organic products or looking to make a switch, kefir is a relatively new idea which can be added easily into the diet. We also like the fact that it can be tailored to individual lifestyles. Nourish kefir is a unique 'living food' that really does look after you from the inside out!

Nourish kefir is available here, from the only UK outlet with prices starting from £15.00 for 6 sachets of Nourish Kefir Starter Cultures.
