
Lavender Essential Oil - Sanatio Naturalis

Here at The Amazing Blog, we know how important it is to wind down at the end of the day. We find that by using calming essential oils it's the perfect way to do just that. Inspired by the healing properties of nature and powerful botanicals, the aromatherapy brand Sanatio Naturalis sent us their very special Lavender Essential Oil.

The words Sanatio Naturalis come from Latin meaning 'the healing power of nature'. Their Lavender Oil is sourced directly from France in Haute Provence, where the brand can guarantee its origin, traceability and the highest quality ingredients. Lavender itself has numerous health giving benefits, including relieving pain and stress, as well as improving sleep. It has also been known to improve blood circulation, treat acne and help battle respiratory disorders. Used in aromatherapy, this Lavender Oil can soothe, relax and revitalise. 

Sanatio Naturalis’s Lavender Oil comes in a pretty little blue 10 ml glass bottle, it's scent is pure and intense and can be used for numerous things. Perfect for a relaxing massage, sprinkled in the bath, a few drops in body lotion or steamed in a diffuser - all to create a relaxing mood. In fact the options are endless... 

Purchase it here for £22. Sanatio Naturalis also sells other essential oils including Lemon, Tea Tree and Ginger Root.